Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

obsessive compulsive disorder symptom list

obsessive compulsive disorder symptom list Obsessions are thoughts, images or impulses that come to mind. They may
appear irrational and uncontrollable to the person experiencing them.Everyone experiences obsessions from time to time but sometimes they interfere with everyday life.
A compulsion is a repetitive act that the person feels they must
perform. A person with intellectual disabilities may not be able to describe
their thoughts about their repetitive act. The activity is clearly excessive
and sometimes it takes the form of a ritual. Compulsions are often to do
with cleanliness, the fear of contamination or tidiness and precision.
Sometimes they take up most of the day and interfere with the person’s
social or everyday life. This is usually by wasting time with repetitive,
magical, protective practices such as counting, saying particular numbers
and checking things (gas, light switches, locks, windows and doors etc.).
Interfering with the person’s compulsions can cause him or her distress
and aggression. This can be extremely distressing and tiring for the person and the carer. Compulsions are commonly seen in people with autism.

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