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Office reveal smokers

Smoking way reflects a person's personality. Psychologists have done on a person's smoking posture and form system research. The famous American psychologist j. foster analysis of smoking is the most vivid. To foster a smoker's analysis is divided into five parts.

First, the way of holding the smoke

Sandwiched between the forefinger and middle finger fingertips. This is a common way to hold the smoke. Character calm, steadfast, to express his love, cordial and natural. But lack, is easy to go with the flow, the lack of determination and willpower.

Sandwiched between the forefinger and middle finger fingers. You are activists, yourconsciousness is very strong, don't be good at coordinating interpersonal relations, thus easy to cause misunderstandings and resentment.

With your thumb and forefinger and middle finger hold. Temperament is more cold. Intelligent, style of work, "she explains. However, sometimes your pride, ego makes people unhappy.

Second, the way of smoking

Place at the right end. Under the thought is agile, able to quickly decide, moves very bold action, often by surprise.

In my left side. With a your mind a lot, strong planning, talent. 

In the center of the lips mouth up. Some vanity, even with the practicalities of appearance, also hard to avoid to do something beyond their ability range, and its.

In the center of the lips mouth downward. You are more rational than emotional, work will never stand. Down-to-earth, and like to push things according to their own pace.  

A cigarette in your mouth and hand movements. To oneself very confident, and performance is really outstanding. Work status and satisfied with their life, and full of hope.

Bite cigarette butts, wet cigarette with saliva. See more at men. Character is still immature in the children's behavior.

Third, blowing smoke

The puff himself in front of the person's direction. Willing to challenge, to ignore the existence of each other, when to attack each other psychological, often like this. 

Blew the smoke down. Efforts to don't want to get cigarettes to others. On interpersonal relationship is very careful and care for people attitude mild, belongs to the gentle type of character.

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