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oral disease symptoms and characteristics

oral disease symptoms and characteristics Oral Disease – Management and Disciplines
Oral diseases can affect all oral and dentofacial structures. Thus, the management of oral disorders includes all steps from the examination to the diagnosis and treatment of such illnesses. Oral diseases can affect all
oral and dentofacial tissues; the hard tissues including
bone and teeth as well as mucosal, pulpal, periodontal
and glandular soft tissues.
Traditionally, the treatment of different types of diseases has been organized into a number of different (specialty) disciplines. Examples for each of the disciplines are listed in Table 1. Conditions within the discipline of oral (and maxillofacial) surgery include infections,
trauma to maxillofacial structures and neoplastic diseases. Operative (or conservative) dentistry focuses on the treatment of caries and dental trauma including diseases of the dental pulp (endodontics). Prosthodontics
is involved with the replacement of missing teeth
as well as the treatment of functional structures such as the temporomandibular joint and jaw muscles. It is common to summarize all efforts to restore or replace teeth under the term restorative dentistry. Periodontology or periodontics is the specialty concerned with the
diagnosis and treatment of illness of the gingival and periodontal tissues. Orthodontics or dentofacial orthopedics focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of defects in tooth position and the treatment of dentofacial deformities,
mostly with regard to the alignment of the maxillo-mandibular relationship. Crossing these disciplines is general (or family) dentistry, which includes
all treatments that can be provided in a primary care setting. Pediatric dentistry deals with the provision of dental services to children, and geriatric dentistry is focused on specialized treatment for the elderly and
infirm patients.

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