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overcoming phobias psychology

overcoming phobias psychology

overcoming phobias psychologySteps in overcoming phobias.

1: Getting used to speaking in front of strangers

(A) First try going with a friend to a shop and ask for an item.

(B) Once you can do this without feeling anxious, when with a friend, try asking a stranger for directions.

(C) When you feel comfortable doing that, try going to a shop and asking for an item by yourself.

(D) Once you can do that, try going to a restaurant and have a tea all by yourself.

overcoming phobias psychology Steps in overcoming phobias.

2: Getting used to travelling in a crowded bus

(A) Walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus but don’t get on.

(B) Take a bus at a time when it is not crowded.

(C) When you can do this without fear, take a bus journey with a friend when it is crowded.

(D) When this no longer causes anxiety, take a bus journey alone when it is crowded.

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