Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

panic disorder case example


Carole is a 17-year-old girl who will be sitting her A-level examinations in June. She is hoping to go on to university in September, where she will read psychology. Carole’s parents are proud of her and have always made it clear to Carole that they expect her to do well. While studying one day, Carole was reflecting on her course work and the expectations her parents had of her. She suddenly found it hard to breathe and experienced a tight gripping-type pain in her chest. Her heart was pounding and she was trembling.

This episode lasted for about ten minutes. Carole was taken to her local A & E, but no problems were detected. This recently happened again in the middle of the night. Carole woke up suddenly and experienced the same symptoms as before.

Carole was taken to the A & E department but, again, no abnormalities were detected. While in A & E, Carole was seen and examined by a psychiatrist who diagnosed panic disorder. This was attributed to the current pressure that Carole was experiencing due to her studies and impending examinations.

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