Mental health articles

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Parenting Skills for ADHD Children

Parenting Skills for ADHD Children

• Explain to the family (with the child present) what the child’s problem is. Simply understanding that a child has a health problem can help many parents and children feel more hopeful.

• Parents need advice on how to manage the behaviour at home.

• Send a note to the child’s class teacher explaining the problem. You could discuss how to manage the child in the classroom with the teacher.

• Some children may benefit from a drug called methylphenidate. This medication should be given only by a child specialist or mental health specialist.

• Do not use sedative medicines; these will only make the child drowsy and worsen his ability to concentrate.

Parenting Skills for ADHD Children When to refer It can be difficult to treat ADHD. If you have access to a specialist child or mental health service,

then refer all children with this condition.


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