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perinatal depression of baby

perinatal depression of baby  Though some emotionality is a frequent and normal part of pregnancy and parturition,
major mood episodes affect a significant proportion of women during pregnancy and in the postpartum period. In fact, depression is the second greatest cause
of morbidity for women of childbearing years, second only to HIV-AIDS in cause of disability . The prevalence of depression in women’s lifetimes is approximately 10–25 %, with greatest risk of depressive disorder
occurring during childbearing years . Studies estimate that
18 % of pregnant women will suffer from depressive symptoms and that approximately 14 % of women will meet criteria for major depression during pregnancy  and postpartum .
Signs and symptoms for perinatal depression are similar to those for depression in the general population: depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of
guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration . Clinical wisdom points to depression marked by high levels of anxiety and worry about the health of the baby and the fitness of mother/
patient. Prevalence of antenatal depression appears to peak in the first trimester, while postpartum depression peaks around 12 weeks after delivery  with elevated risk lasting well into the first year postpartum.

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