Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

physical treatments for mental health

physical treatments for mental health.Physical treatment implies interventions that are connected with the body rather than with emotions. There is a divergence of views as to the cause of mental disorder.

One school of thought believes that it is a hereditary disorder of biological influence;the other, a psychosocial model, views it as involving maladaptive thinking or coping strategies leading to an inability to manage one’s life or emotions. As a result, physical treatment may improve the mental condition but does not alter the service user’s circumstances, which may require resolution in order that the individual maintains their overall well-being. Hence, a combination of physical treatment with other therapeutic interventions is indicated, and the contribution of an MDT is essential.

physical treatments for mental health.The main physical treatment option for mental illness is the use of medication. The groups of drugs are known as: antipsychotic, antidepressant, antimanic and anxiolytics. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an alternative to the use of medication in some cases of severe depression and psychosis. The use of these medical treatments is regulated through professional education and guidance on prescribing.

physical treatments for mental health.On very rare occasions, neurosurgery is indicated in some extreme cases; its use is regulated by the Mental Health Act 1983.

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