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Poor health? Often see a comedy music legris improvement

You smile today? Of course, this smile is not the kind of enlight lips, a smile of occupation of eight teeth, nor the "ha ha ha" several voice and expression is not synchronized entangled with a smile. It should always with pleasure, happiness, is a person of good moodnaturally, including of course you watch comedy, listen to jokes that the most natural, the most comfortable "giggle".The true smile, laughing heartily, this beautiful mood more often to relieve physical and mental exhaustion and pain than medicine. When you smile can affect the facial muscles to make the facial blood reconcile, when you laugh can induce many body muscles involved in activities, and promoteblood circulation to eliminate body discomfort.And the four group of below it, laugh more for their healthbe of great advantageCancer patients:Every normal human body will produce a certain number of cancer cells, but fortunately our body's "natural killer cell" is the natural enemy of cancer cells, these immune killercan destroy tumor cells. But research shows that, the heartfelt smile can let at least 14 genes obtainedbetter expression, thereby regulating the activity of natural killer cells. Therefore, for cancer patients,laughter is really not expensive and very safe medicine, of course, it is the prevention of cancer for people in general will also greatly benefit.Patients with cardiovascular disease:Laughter can vasodilatation, thusincrease the splanchnic blood flow supply. The effect of aerobic exercise and the like, not only can help prevent heart attacks, for the majority of cardiac rehabilitation patients, is very useful.Lactating women:Studies have shown that watching a comedy movie, the level of melatonin in the mother's milk will be improved, the baby sensitive skin drink the milk, reactions can be greatly reduced. So, in order to baby's health growth, in the more reason to lactating mother laugh.The health of poor people:In fact,before you to smile, laugh look will also receive a miraculous effect. Comedy before the opening, the researchers selected audience of blood samples, the results found that the level of endorphins haveincreased by 27%, the content of growth hormone increased by 87%. Endorphin is helpful to the enhancement of immune system function, growth hormone is beneficial to the muscles, bones and organs,this effect can be regarded as a "all feigongfu don't come".

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