Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

postnatal depression treatment

What to do for postnatal depression
• Reassure the mother and the family that the symptoms are the result of a common emotional illness. The illness is treatable and will do no long-term harm to the mother or the baby.
• Reassure the mother that she is not ‘going mad’.
• Ask the father or relatives to help the mother in caring for the baby.
• Talk to the mother regularly about her symptoms and worries.
• Teach her breathing exercises, which she should practise twice daily .
• Ensure that she gets adequate rest and food.

• Encourage her to hold and play with her baby and to breastfeed.
• If sleep problems are severe, then give the mother a sleeping
medicine, such as lorazepam or nitrazepam.
• If the depression does not improve within a week, or if there
are suicidal feelings, you can also use antidepressants. A safe
choice during the postnatal period would be fluoxetine, 20 mg
daily, for at least six months.

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