Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

preventing alcohol abuse and alcoholism

preventing alcohol abuse and alcoholism The simplest strategy is to ask everyone two simple questions:
• Do you drink alcohol? If so, have you been concerned about the amount you drink? It is important that you are familiar with the law in your country regarding alcohol and tobacco. For example, in some countries bars are not allowed to stay open beyond a certain time and children are not allowed to purchase tobacco or alcohol. If you know of potential offenders, you could approach either community leaders or the police to ensure the law is enforced.
You could ask bar owners to insist that customers do not drink
and drive home, or teach them ways of politely, but firmly,
refusing to serve alcohol to someone who is clearly drunk.
Encouraging the formation of self-help groups like Alcoholics
Anonymous in the community can help peole with a drinking problem. Ensuring that closed areas, such as clinics and schools, are designated “no smoking” reduces both tobacco use and the dangers posed by passive smoking.

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