Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

primary healthcare system

primary healthcare system Some health workers may be in a position from which they can play an important role in improving
the overall primary health care system. For example, if a health worker is a member of a district
health committee, his views may be sought on various policy issues. There are some specific steps
that can improve primary mental health care:
• providing training in the diagnosis and treatment of common mental illnesses to health workers;
• placing at least one antidepressant, one antipsychotic and one anticonvulsant on the essential drugs list;
• providing clinics for follow-up for those with severe mental disorders (such clinics could be held during those times when fewer people arrive to see a doctor);
• increasing the number of social workers and psychologists in the health services, as these professionals are less expensive than a doctor and play an important role in mental health care;
• establishing a surveillance system where different mental disorders are counted and recorded in the case-notes of each patient.

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