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Promoting mental health for women

The promotion of gender equality, by empowering women to take decisions that influence their lives and educating men about the need for equal rights, is the most important way of promoting
women’s mental health. In this task, you need to be an activist and advocate for women’s rights.
In many places, women’s groups are actively working towards greater recognition of women’s rights. Participating in these activities is an important contribution a health worker can make towards promoting better health for women.
Some people argue that, by saying that women are more likely to suffer depression, there is a danger that real social problems are being perceived as health problems. Thus, if a woman is being beaten by her husband and becomes depressed, then the real problem is the violence in her home, which is directly responsible for her depression. While this is true, you must also be concerned about the woman’s current health. Thus, if a woman’s arm was broken by a violent husband, you would first try to treat the fracture. In the same way, treating the depression can help by improving the woman’s concentration, sleep, feelings of self-esteem and energy levels. This, in turn, can help in trying to find a solution for the problems at home that are causing stress.
You must be constantly aware of the powerful role played by gender inequality in the health of women. There are many ways in which you can help reduce the impact of this inequality on
women’s mental health.
• Whenever a woman consults, in particular a woman who consults repeatedly for minor health problems, spare some time to find out about her domestic situation and other stresses. Allow
women an opportunity to speak about their feelings and problems.
• If you feel comfortable (and if you have obtained the woman’s permission), speak to the husband or other family members and educate them about the difficulties the woman is facing and how it is affecting her health. You can also provide specific suggestions to improve relationships.
• Sensitise your colleagues in the clinic about gender inequality in the way health care is provided. Be sure that you and your colleagues treat health complaints in men and women with equal concern.
• When you know that a particular woman suffers from a severe mental disorder, pay special attention to her needs by ensuring that she sees you regularly. If she is not brought to the health centre, arrange to see her at her home. Counsel her family members to remove any doubts they may have about the illness.
• When you know that a woman is living in a home where she is suffering a great deal of stress, make an effort to ask her if, and how, this is affecting her health. If you find she is suffering mental health problems, counsel her and try to work with her on her problem-solving skills .
• If women’s groups are active in your community, take the initiative to participate in their meetings and discuss mental health problems as an area of concern for women .
• Facilitate the formation of self-help or support groups for women with mental health problems.

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