Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Protective factors of suicide

Protective factors of suicide Protective factors are believed to enhance resilience and counterbalance risk factors (U.S. DHHS, 2001). Promoting healthy behaviors and protecting students from health risks are some of the preventive interventions available to college students (Silverman et al., 1997). College campuses provide student support services, including easy and lowcost access to physical and mental health services, and a supportive peer and mentor environment. The wide range of student supports includes coaches, professors, residential advisors and staff, career and placement experts, university health service professionals, campus ministries, clinical therapists, student
activities professionals, and other administrators whose careers are devoted to nurturing healthy minds and healthy bodies. A lower in the overall suicide rate among college students compared to the general population may also be due to the general campus prohibitions on the availability and use of fi rearms, the careful
monitoring and control for the abuse of alcohol, the stated prohibition on the
possession and use of illicit drugs, and students’ realization that attaining a college
degree can advance their career, enhance skills and knowledge, and promote
personal growth and development.

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