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psychological hardiness and stress

psychological hardiness and stress Perhaps the most essential prevention is developing a sense of psychological
hardiness, a concept promoted by Salvadore Maddi and Suzanne Kobasa
(Maddi, 1999; Maddi & Kobasa, 1984). Hardiness is characterized by a sense of
challenge, control, and commitment. Challenge refers to perceiving stressful situations and problems as opportunities for problem solving, rather than as
threats or unwanted demands. Th e natural response with this perspective is
to generate solutions to diffi cult situations, rather than avoid them. Challenge
also involves openness to new experiences.
Control involves the belief that an individual can, in some ways, infl uence
future outcomes. Consequently, instead of avoiding stressful situations, individuals
with psychological hardiness strive to confront them. A sense of control
does not deny the reality that some outcomes cannot be controlled, but
asserts that a positive outlook can still be maintained. It’s possible, even in
unavoidable circumstances, to control one’s reaction. Th e connection between
this concept and cognitive therapy is obvious, since developing a sense of control
involves learning to view stressors and diffi cult situations more positively.
Th e goal becomes to think about situations optimistically and act decisively.
Commitment is the ability to persevere through diffi cult situations and retain
a sense of purpose in regard to work and relationships.
Generally, the process of promoting hardiness involves setting goals, knowing
that they can be reset if necessary, becoming immersed in goal-related
activity, and learning to enjoy the experience. I have found self-assessments of hardiness to be engaging for clients. Great discussion and insight have been generated by clients merely being asked to rate themselves on and discuss characteristics like self-discipline, need for achievement, internal motivation, approach to change, openness to new activities, level of optimism, commitment
to success in school, and overall self-confi dence. Setting valuable personal
goals in these areas becomes a natural next step.

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