Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

psychological interventions in therapy

Psychological interventions help people to deal with their feelings. They
help people with mental, emotional and behavioural problems. Often
when someone talks about being ‘in therapy’ or ‘having psychotherapy’,
these are the types of therapies that they mean. There are many different
types of psychological interventions. You might wish to know more about
what is on offer, what the psychological approaches to mental health
problems are and what each entails.
Some therapies are commonly available through the NHS and some
others might be available through the private and voluntary sectors. Referrals
are accepted from GPs or mental health professionals. The start of the
process involves a meeting between the person and the therapist. Together
they decide on the suitability of the therapy to the person’s needs and some specific goals for how to change.
If you are choosing a therapist privately you need to check that the
therapist is registered with a recognized accreditation body such as theUK
Council for Psychotherapists (UKCP) or the British Confederation of Psychotherapists
(BCP). Similarly, Chartered Psychologists are registered
under the British Psychological Society (BPS) which is a statutory body.
Psychological interventions include the following:
 Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
 Psychodynamic psychotherapy

 Behaviour therapy and skills training methods
 Family therapy
 Therapy sessions in groups
 Other therapies
 Art therapy
 Music therapy

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