Mental health articles

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Psychological Therapy to Treat The Stomach

Psychological Therapy to Treat The Stomach

There are many people with cognitive therapy to treat irritable bowl syndrome including stomach cramps, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, etc. and it is said that the result is pretty good. It is estimated that a third of people with irritable bowel syndrome. Experts say that some psychological therapy can effect on autonomic nervous system, the nervous system is the key to digest the autonomic activities such as control. Brain scanning results showed that the patients with irritable bowel syndrome induced pain signals from the brain areas is more active, through cognitive behavioral therapy to suppress it.

18-year-old Michael had ulcerative colitis, last year had irritable bowel syndrome, after every day more than 20 times defecate. Michael was because of anxiety and colitis in see psychological doctor, got the disease after doctors began to deal with this problem.

Michael's major source of stress is very mind became ill after his appearance and behavior change will bring what impression to others. His psychological doctor encourage he broke his own psychological boundaries. "I always require myself to trendy handsome, but to get a driver's license when it purposely wore clothes. Through treatment, I no longer worry about their situation, but learned to accept it, so that my symptoms are gone."

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