Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Psychotherapy in pregnancy and the perinatal period

Psychotherapy in pregnancy and the perinatal period is critical for the mother suffering from all levels of symptomatology. It is critical that clinicians aid patients in the processing of this major life event, as psychosocial stressors can often be improved with counseling and social interventions either in tandem to other treatments or as a primary approach. Ego strengths, rallying of family, promotions of healthy life choices, and validation of evolving life roles and self-concept are just some arenas where psychotherapy can help ameliorate symptoms. For instance, mild postnatal depression may be improved increasing family supports. Cognitive behavioral counseling and interpersonal therapy have been shown to be useful in treating postnatal depression. Interpersonal therapy has likewise been shown to be an effective alternate or adjunct to pharmacotherapy in depression .Psychotherapy focusing on the child–parent dyad has also shown promise in promoting maternal confidence, bonding, and child development.Parenting support and skills groups can be especially helpful for socially isolated mothers and those with less access to educational resources, but offer all parents a social connection, valuable validation of their experiences, and the benefits associated with both teaching and learning from their peers.

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