Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Public Health Recommendations

Public Health Recommendations Public health programs are needed that address these issues and lead to a better health service for migrant populations. To start with, it has to be realized that migrant groups differ ( migrants, diversity management). In order to provide an effective service the origin of the migrant has to be considered, because the local endemic situation defines the a priori probability for a specific infection. Due to rising global migration rates it is necessary that public health programs in destination countries include continuing education of health care personnel regarding the changes in migration waves. This knowledge is necessary not only for specialists such as tropical diseases physicians but also for general practitioners, community doctors, nurses, and the migrant community itself. The training and/or establishment of specialists for migration medicine and public health are a further option for the future. Despite the high impact of infections on the burden of disease in migrants, these subpopulations lack adequate awareness and information. The distribution of information linked to campaigns against hepatitis B, sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis through communitybased participatory actions provides a promising option for creative and effective public health interventions. Finally, the improvement of infectious disease control in developing countries through effective vaccination programs, vector control, education and adequate treatment will possibly lead to extensive reductions in the burden of infectious disease there. The increasing irregular migration requires special attention due to several reasons: 1. their often low socio-economic status is linked to higher prevalence rates and risky behavior (e. g. commercial sex, drug use). 2. Screening programs fail to reach irregular migrants. 3. Irregular migrants have very limited access to health care and treatment.

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