Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

public mental health system rates

public mental health system rates.People that are detained in prisons, jails or police cells of Western countries show more psychiatric illnesses e.g. psychotic disorders, severe depression and personality disorders, than the generalpopulation. Contrarily, clients known at the Public Mental Health Care System run a higher risk for police arrests compared to the general population.4 Moreover detainees who are homeless, and who suffer from substance use disorders and schizophrenia run the highest risk for re-incarceration. The Public Health Service (PHS) in Amsterdam is responsible for both forensic medical services (FMS)and the coordination of Public Mental Health Care (PMHC). The FMS ensures the health and safety of people detained in police cells. Care is provided at police stations and at the Police Service cellblocks.

public mental health system rates. The PMHC provides care and support to individuals or families with severe and complex psychosocial problems who are characterized either by not actively seeking help for their psychiatric or psychosocial problems, or by not having their health needs met by regular health care services. The majority of the patients of the PMHC is signalled by the police or (via hotlines) by citizens who worry about, or experience nuisance from their neighbours.7Psychiatric and addiction treatment after detainment can reduce the risk of re-incarceration.5Likewise, frequency of police contact may even be considered as a performance indicator of the Public Mental Health System.8 The ability to reduce criminality is one of the reasons that the benefits of treatment modalities such as heroin co-prescription exceed the costs of it. This study describes registration and interview data among detainees. Previously published articles based on these data focus on the physical health issues and general life style characteristics of the sample and mental health. This study aims to identify the PMHC population among detainees, defined as those with a combination of mental disorders, social problems and unmet care.

public mental health system rates. The prevalence of detainees with mental health and addiction problems is expected to be higher among the older arrestees. Therefore special attention is given to the age association. Furthermore,by comparing the interview data, registrations of the Forensic Medical Service and information of the total population of arrestees of the police services we will discuss the coverage of these problems in the daily practice of forensic nurses and physicians.

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