Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Repetition of abuse of infant

Repetition of abuse of infant Repetition of abuse Repetition of abuse occurs in 25–50 per cent of families where children are returned to their parents after removal following abuse or neglect (Reder, 2003). Care and control conflicts are common in parents with histories of maltreatment. This can affect their capacity to parent, and to use available resources and support services. Care issues include tensions about being cared for and caring for, arising out of early experiences of abandonment or neglect. Parents with care conflicts may present with excessive clinging or dependence, inability to use and accept help, and intolerance of others’ needs. Control issues include tensions about self-control, desire to control and fear of being controlled possibly stemming from experiences of helplessness in the face of abuse or coercion. Parents with control conflicts are prone to violence and controlling behaviour and see others as controlling of or attempting to control them.

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