Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

schizophrenia treatment psychotherapy

Schizophrenia of CARE AND TREATMENT

The community treatment team, who can be made available following GP referral,have been recommended to intervene as early as possible. This intervention is supported by the National Service Framework (Department of Health 1999),particularly with young people following their first episode of psychosis and confirmation of schizophrenia as a diagnosis. Prompt intervention can reduce morbidity and death rates in youths and in first-episode psychosis has been cited as crucial to an optimistic prognosis of the illness. Prompt and early intervention provides the opportunity to consider real and practical options for successful treatment.

According to Birchwood , there are two main views of schizophrenia. The first is one of early or acute onset psychosis, with frequent bouts or episodes of psychotic features which are followed up by direct treatment, usually medication and some level of recovery, preventive and proactive intervention. The other view is when the intervention is unsuccessful a rehabilitation programme, with psychosocial interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), is helpful. This is an active form of intervention, which deliberately intends to alter thinking and feelings of lack of control to those of empowerment and direct control over one’s life.

This intervention would run alongside and complement antipsychotic medication. Askey  claims CBT provides hope for people suffering from mental illness.

He recommends that mental health practitioners should be prepared to confidently encompass psychosocial interventions into their everyday practice. ‘Psychosocial intervention’ is a term used to describe interventions that promote engagement with service users. These are directly linked to facilitate family life, for example family therapy, CBT, prompt involvement and response to psychotic episodes. This requires a committed community mental health team with expertise, to be effective, respond quickly to crises and acute episodes.

Peculiar and strange thought patterns are significant signs in the assessment and eventual diagnosis of schizophrenia. These signs and symptoms may be obvious or, alternatively, so subtle that asking and reframing the same questions during the assessment period may eventually unfold the complex world of a person living with schizophrenia. Family and carers are key figures in assisting and unravelling their relative’s clinical story. They can participate and provide valuable information prior to the onset of schizophrenia. This can be demonstrated in Scenario Three.

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