Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

self injuring behavior in young children

I thought that my self-injuring was just something I could do occasionally,without any major consequences. Unfortunately, I was dreadfully wrong. Asthe months went by, I became addicted to the sensation that my self-injury gave me. I began to collect scars on my arms and legs, ankles, thighs, hipsand anywhere I could find.

I secretly enjoyed the scars and would sometimes spend hours just lookingat them from different angles. It is so contradictory because I was ashamed tolet anyone else see them.

The day I knew I had to get help was about a year and a half into my selfinjury.I knew I was severely depressed and couldn’t help myself, no matterhow much I wanted to. I am in a group at the personality disorder clinic thatteaches me how to try and regulate powerful emotions.

I have been seeing a psychologist for the past year. He cares deeply aboutme and goes up and beyond his call of duty to make sure I stay safe.

I want to believe that I will get through this trial in my life. I want to believethat I will recover from self-injuring. I still struggle every day of my life butin the end it will be worth it.

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