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sex and relationships in recovery

sex and relationships in recovery. Sex can be a way of expressing affection and love. Sex is the way through which a couple can have children and start a family. Sex can be a way of experiencing physical and mental pleasure. If one person has a sexual problem, the relationship with the partner is also affected.

sex and relationships in recovery. Because sex is such a sensitive issue and is rarely discussed as a ‘health’ issue, the problems tend to remain hidden. The couple may suffer much unhappiness and guilt. They may start blaming each other or themselves in an effort to understand why they no longer enjoy sex with each other. Sometimes, one partner may accuse the other of beingunfaithful.

Sexual problems can cause increasing tension in everyday life between partners and lead to depression and alcohol misuse. Finally, sexual problems can end up making relationships deeply unhappy or even lead to a break-up. On the other hand, sexual problems can be the result rather than the cause of an unhappy relationship. Thus, if there is much fighting or conflict between two partners, it is unlikely that they will have a satisfying sexual relationship.

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