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sexual disorders in psychology

sexual disorders in psychology. A sexual disorder means that a person is having an ongoing abnormal sexual experience. The abnormal sexual experience becomes a sexual disorder if the experience is causing distress in the person’s life, resulting in disruption of relationships with family and friends or employment or legal issues. There are three
areas of sexual disorders. These are sexual activity, gender identity, and paraphilia.
A person can be diagnosed with a sexual disorder any time in their life.
Some sexual disorders, such as gender identity disorders, tend to occur early
rather than later in life. Other sexual disorders, such as paraphilia, can progress
through life as a person loses impulse control and begins to act out sexual fantasies.
The cause for many sexual disorders is unknown. Some researchers
believe psychological trauma or a problematic early development period may
be the root cause of the sexual disorder. Other researchers feel there is a biological
or physiologic basis for a sexual disorder. In this chapter, you will learn
about these disorders and discover ways to mitigate them.

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