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sexual exploitation of a minor child

sexual exploitation of a minor child Globalization with its increasing cross-border movement of capital, goods and people facilitates human
trafficking in its various manifestations such as forced
labor (including sexual exploitation), organ trade and
child adoption trade. As a consequence, there has been
a world-wide increase in commercial sexual exploitation
in recent years, in particular so of children. Children
are most vulnerable to sexual exploitation. Their case will be presented as exemplary for a wider problem.Sexual exploitation of children and young people encompasses a broad range of sexual acts including
touching with sexual intent, sexual intercourse and
display of pornographic material or sexual organs.
Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) includes child prostitution, child pornography and child trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Legal and Human Rights Framework sexual exploitation of a minor child
According to international law, all forms of sexual exploitation of underage girls and boys constitute human rights violations. The most important international document is the Optional Protocol on the Sale
of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography
which came into force in 2002 with the aim of combating sexual exploitation. It supplements the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The 1989 Convention states that all persons below 18 years are “underage”, i. e. children, and hence need special legal protection.
The Scale of the Problem sexual exploitation of a minor child
Despite the marked increase of human trafficking and
CSEC observed in recent years, there is no reliable,
evidence-based estimate on the overall scale of the phenomenon,
a weakness that stems from the nature of the problem of trafficking and CSEC: It happens illegally and is often linked to organized crime, and available data are often not disaggregated according to age
(adults/children), sex and type of exploitation.
Recording and analysis of the phenomenon has not been standardized within (federal) states and internationally.
Thus, one of the main crucial tasks in the combat
against CSEC is to significantly improve and standardize data collection and analysis.
Where Does Commercial Sexual Exploitation ofMinors Predominantly Occur? sexual exploitation of a minor child
A significant proportion of CSEC, especially child prostitution, is carried out by local perpetrators within their home countries. However, it is increasingly an international phenomenon, whereby the increase in international trafficking is associated with two political developments in particular: the opening of the borders between East and West, and economic globalization, whose logic implies the search for sites that allow the most profitable utilization of goods and people worldwide.
Currently, central regions of CSEC are (South) Eastern Europe, the Mekong Region (e. g. Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia), Eastern and Southern Africa, Brazil, CentralAmerica and the Caribbean. Sexual exploitation of minorswithin the tourist industry accounts for part of
the problem in these regions. Central European countries are important destinations and transit countries for girls being forced into prostitution.

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