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sexual problems and cures for men

sexual problems and cures for men

Sexual health is that aspect of health that is related to the sex organs and to sexual behaviour.

Sexual health includes the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies,

the enjoyment of sex as part of intimate relationships and greater control over one’s sexual

decisions. In this manual, only common sexual behaviour problems are described. For a discussion

of infectious diseases that affect the sexual organs see WWHND and WTND, listed in the


sexual problems and cures for men. Sex is an important aspect of intimate, loving relationships between people. Sex is such a personal and private aspect of our lives that it is rarely discussed with others. For many people, there is a lot of ignorance about what is ‘normal’ sexual behaviour and what are the types and causes of sexual problems. Sexual problems are basically problems men and women have that interfere with their ability to enjoy sex.

Sexual problems in men

sexual problems and cures for men. There are two common types of sexual problems in men:

Impotence. This is when the penis does not become or stay hard and erect so that the man cannot

have sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation. This is when the man ejaculates (passes semen) so quickly that neither

partner is able to enjoy the sexual act.

The commonest causes of these sexual problems are:

• tension about sex, typically when a man is having sex for the first time with a particular person;

• misconceptions about the size of the penis, having had sexual intercourse with a woman during

her menstrual period, masturbation, and so on;

• ignorance about normal sexual function is one of the main reasons for the dhat syndrome seen in

men in Asia;

• depression and tiredness (it is difficult to enjoy sex when unhappy or tired);

• alcohol misuse (drinking heavily can make a man impotent);

• loss of interest in sex, which can happen if the man does not find the partner attractive;

• cigarette smoking, which can affect the blood supply to the sexual organs;

• diabetes, which can affect the nerves and blood supply to the sexual organs;

• some medicines such as antidepressants and medicines for high blood pressure.

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