Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

sexually transmitted infections symptoms

sexually transmitted infections symptoms Few experiences are as disquieting as contracting an STI. Even when curable,
students may react with shock and feel dirty and betrayed. Romantic relationships
are strained or dissolve when partners lose trust in each other or
seek physical distance to avoid spreading infections. Not uncommonly, guilt
and the related belief that the disease is deserved punishment for engaging
in sex shatter the young person’s illusion of invulnerability, and may stimulate
ruminations about other threatening or impending disasters. For many,
contracting an STI is a traumatic experience that is infl amed by societal
prejudice and stigma and prevents some from sharing their experience with
family, friends, and even physicians.
When diagnosed with an incurable (herpes) or potentially deadly (HIV/
AIDS) STI, a student may be overwhelmed with panic and depression. In
such cases, a temporary leave of absence may be necessary. I will limit myself
to several cursory comments about helping these students. Th ose who suspect
that they have been recently exposed to HIV must immediately seek
medical attention—preferably within several hours but no later than 36
hours—and begin prophylactic treatment that may prevent infection. When
diagnosis is recent, an HIV-infected youth may be coping with the illness that
prompted HIV screening and a sense of a foreshortened future. Not uncommon
is fear of impending death and rumination about informing others and
putting aff airs in order. Sometimes students temporarily abandon academics
and social relationships. When social isolation is protracted, depression
and suicidality may worsen and should prompt therapists to encourage social
contact and consider psychotropic medication. Frequently, the temporary
withdrawal from life decreases clients’ motivation for treatment, especially
with a therapist who is not identifi ed as HIV positive. Clients then may benefi
t from a referral to organizations that off er education and peer support
from similar others. With time, education, and the realization that death is not imminent, many clients gradually reinvest in life with renewed purpose
and appreciation.

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