Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

social interventions for the client

Historically, social interventions were undertaken by SWs but increasingly are now seen as an aspect of the care coordinator role undertaken by professionals from all backgrounds within the Care Programme Approach framework. Social interventions refer to assisting clients with their accommodation,employment, education and finances, social and family work. Having undertaken a comprehensive assessment of the client’s needs; the MDT will work with the client in order to deliver the appropriate intervention. This might involve signposting a client to a particular organisation for further assistance, for example benefits advice, help with form filling, supporting an application to an agency and liaising with services or employers on the client’s behalf.

It is expected that practitioners will have a good knowledge of the range of

services and initiatives available to mental health clients, in order to assist them in accessing support and promote socially inclusive practice. The detrimental effects in respect to a lack of access to housing and employment on a vulnerable person, suggests the Social Exclusion Unit, are:

• poverty

• reduced social networks and support

• a lack of social status and identity

• stigma

• physical health problems.

Schemes such as the Supporting People programme provide local authorities with money to finance a range of housing projects from 24-hour residential homes to one-hour-weekly floating-support schemes; similar projects are also offered by employment and education services.

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