Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Social isolation and/or adversity

Social isolation and/or adversity
Because pregnancy is a time of increased emotional vulnerability, and preparing
to parent an infant has multiple practical and emotional consequences, lack of
social and emotional support increase the risk of post-partum psychological
difficulties and therefore can affect the infant.
Many women parent in isolation, some by choice, others by circumstance.
Some choose motherhood before it is ‘too late’, deciding to have a baby without
the support of a partner rather than miss the opportunity.

Pregnant single women may experience themselves as disadvantaged during
pregnancy and unless well supported by family and friends may find the
transition to parenthood difficult. The practical reality of caring for a young
infant on your own, the lack of sleep and the sense of social isolation can be very
Recent immigration or even relocation within a country during pregnancy
can heighten a sense of vulnerability. Migration involves adjustment on multiple
levels, as does the preparation for parenthood. At a practical level, language and
cultural factors may make access to services and supports more difficult. At an
emotional level, loss of family, friends and familiarity may affect the
preparedness to welcome a new life. Alternatively, new migrants coming from
situations of ongoing conflict may feel hopeful that their infant will be born into
a better world.

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