Mental health articles
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Some common questions about support groups of mental health
Some common questions about support groups
How many members can take part?
There is no perfect number. Most groups start off very small. If the group gets too large, then it is obviously
helping many people. Smaller groups can then be worked out based on factors such as area of residence or age of the participants.
Where should the group meet?
Anywhere convenient with enough space and privacy. Ideally, the meeting place should be the same each time. Some groups may move around by taking place in the homes of different members on different occasions.
How often should the group meet?
The group itself should decide on how frequently it will meet. To make it easy to remember, it helps to have a specific way of remembering the day of the meeting, such as the first Saturday of every month.
How much will it cost?
It should not cost anything to be a member of a support group. The only expenses may be those required to host the group (for example, tea and biscuits) and these can be contributed by all members.
How long will the group last?
As long as its members feel that it should go on. Successful groups have no time limit. For example, Alcoholics Anonymous groups run for an indefinite period of time. Participants may change over time;
some may stop attending, while new members may join.
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