Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Someone liking thinking without any limitation isn’t afraid of pain

Someone liking thinking without any limitation isn’t afraid of pain

It’s reported by Medical Daily, an America journalist, someone who is fond of day dreaming and thinking with no edge has a stronger endurance on ache, according to the medical college of Wake forest university in the United States.

The researchers elected 166 healthy volunteers, warming a little area on their arms or legs to 48.9 degrees Celsius and asking them to evaluate the degree of pain. And then, they analyzed the relationship between the degree of pain and the structure of the brain, using MRI to scan their brain. The result showed that those who are more afraid of pain have more gray matter, which is also related to day dreaming and the expresses of dullness and loss. The scientists also noticed that people who can concentrate on something are more likely to endure pain. The research is aimed at providing a better tool for doctors to diagnose, treat and prevent ache.

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