Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Sources of depression

There are very many different ways in which someone can become depressed, and there are several different views on depression that are presented later. Often a series of overwhelming life events coming soon, one after the other, will result in a depressive reaction; or it can come (most frequently) from a build-up of general life stresses. If the source is essentially outside of the self, it is called “exogenous” or “reactive” depression.

With other people, depression can occur after a particular illness (flu or a viral infection), or after a pregnancy, or as a result of the menopause, or as a side effect of medications, all of which indicate a more internal origin (endogenous). Some people are slightly more genetically disposed to having a depression. It can also be an aspect of their character that they have developed during the course of their life. For most people it is a combination of things that accumulate, with possibly one major event (like bereavement or a loss) that will trigger the onset of the depression.

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