Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Specific phobia symptoms

About 17% of people seen by psychiatrists will have a specific phobia, and theratio for this is equal between males and females.

Conversely, Puri (2000) argues that it is more prevalent in the female populationand suggests that phobias usually commence either in childhood or early adultlife and, if left untreated, the person may experience years of anguish. Specificphobia is precise and the person is explicit in relation to their fear and, sometimes,as to how they will react when faced with this.

A specific phobia can be wideand varied and can range from, for example, fear of animals (both wild and/ordomesticated), flying, heights, darkness to fear of enclosed spaces. In addition, theperson can exhibit signs and symptoms of their phobia, even if they only anticipatean encounter with this.

 However, if the person is faced with their phobia, it canlead to immense fear and dread. Some people become so disturbed by this ordealthat it may lead to panic.

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