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summer poor sleep quality linked to postpartum

summer poor sleep quality linked to postpartum 

how to deal with summer poor sleep angry?

People in sleep, very not easy emotional control, temper, not happy, do not shun and so on are often the thing. Psychological studies have found, lack of sleep can seriously affect the person's mood. The hot summer day night short, coupled with the hot weather, it is easy to make people lack of sleep, so also more prone to negative emotions. So, lack of sleep, we should how to manage their emotions?

When the summer environment cause you can't get the body needs sleep, even while you are awake will not be able to maintain the best condition, and may cause some "unfortunate" give you the result of life. For example, when you sleep, your consciousness is not usually so vigilant, makes you speak vague and give others the impression that you were drunk or not interested. If at work, social, sports or other time, you don't like usual quickly focused answer other people, then it may lead to a dispute. This time, you must as soon as possible to supplement sleep, that's the key! At the same time, you have to learn to control your temper, here on how to do this provides several suggestions:

Admit that you need to sleep. Recognize that you are suffering from lack of sleep the pain, can help you calm your nerves, allowing you to concentrate on, let your life moments as calm as water. If you still keep calm and struggled, and not recognized because of lack of sleep, it is easy to make their own negative, accuse to do bad things, will eventually make you feel worse.

Tell others bad tempered "truth". The best is to let people know, you don't have enough sleep, and make you feel tired, be out of spirits. People are more likely to understand what you are experiencing, if you can at a certain moment bite their heads, they are more likely to give you a little space. Conversely, you can have a rest, more understand you don't have to pretend to not trapped or coherence.

Rest. And according to the usual speed work, chasing performance, better take it easy. While the people around do not pay attention to when walk, as far as possible in this range, not too exposed, the use of regular breaks to recover. If possible, take a nap. On your desk or ward nap for 10 to 20 minutes, can let you miraculously spirit hours. Nap to not more than 20 minutes, because it will make people feel groggy and more impatient.

Take a walk outside. No matter how bad the weather is, walking 5 to 10 minutes is enough to keep you awake. If you can't take a nap or go out for a walk, with the nose to breathe in deeply and then exhale slowly from the mouth, can also make you feel more awake. As far as possible to inhale and then exhale slowly.

When you answer others, slow down. Rather than rush to answer others, annoy, as slow down. Let people know that you need a little time, and don't be afraid to ask them to repeat what they ask you questions, this can let you understand what they ask you.

Keep a sense of humor and make it more than a sour temper. Not too intense, but to create some happy atmosphere. Pick the one you think is interesting words, then say it until it lost its original meaning, or every face in the newspaper draw mustaches on. Keep yourself in a good mood or try to mount your thoughts. Perhaps some people will think your behavior is shallow, but rather than angry, irritable, others far away from you a lot.

Preferred to sleep. Your mood swings and negative thoughts will not change and stability, until you add enough sleep. So, to get plenty of sleep and put in the first priority until recovery, it is important to.

Therefore, the hot summer must make oneself a full sleep every day, so that can not only have a better state of mind, at the same time, temper will also gentle quiet a lot. According to the biological clock of human body rest, sleep every day should be maintained at about 8 hours, sleep time should not be more than 10 at night, or even 8 hours of sleep, but sleep too late, do not accord with human body biological

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