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symptoms of nightmare disorder

Do you often dream? Do you often make a nightmare?symptoms of nightmare disorder. Caution is warning signs of heart disease, in addition, the feeling is "" ghost on bed, or dream be counterattacked, and on behalf of the body where there is something wrong with? According to British scientists study found that dream actually is a sign of illness, provide value behind reveal clues to health, and check in time, to do to prevent physical at an early date.

symptoms of nightmare disorder.According to the British "daily mail" reported a number of scientists concluded dreams early warning, which can be taken as reference to self health alert. Loughborough university sleep expert professor Jim had said, feeling too hot or too cold at night will lead to the dream. Because this will cause interference to sleep, make a dream phase of sleep wake added the number of times. Women due to hormonal changes, also easy to dream.

Often nightmares, there is a certain correlation with heart disease

As often as a nightmare, actually related to taking certain medications, such as the drug helps to dilate blood vessels, is regarded as a maker "nightmare". There are a number of medical experts believe that this some medicines can indirectly change the balance of certain chemicals in the brain, and then induce nightmares.

In addition, the Dutch medical journal has published a new study has found that, the nightmare has certain correlation with heart disease. Because heart disease patients more respiratory problems may occur, which results in the decrease of the brain oxygen, cause nightmare. According to statistics, heart arrythmias can lead to a nightmare to produce three times increase, chest tightness, chest pain can make nightmare to 7 times.

Cambridge pappu worth hospital sleep expert Nicholas Austin, says Dr Croft too little sleep also easy to induce sleep paralysis, also known as "" ghost on bed, often occur in just fall asleep or awake not awake.

Dream be counterattacked, could have neurodegenerative disease in the future.

In addition, the dream appeared kicking, Shouting, hitting, such as rough violent action, roller is one of the most common sleep behavior disorder in medicine, in dream sleep stages. More study found that for every 100 patients with the sleep behavior disorder, there are 10 to 25 people suffering from Parkinson's disease in the future or other neurodegenerative diseases.

There is a close correlation dreaming about sex, and creativity

The U.S. men's health magazine reported psychologist Dr Ian Wallace said that people in all ages, sex dreams are likely to do, but tend to increase with age, sex dreams will also increase. The crowd at the age of 60, sexual dreams is especially common. Actually does not mean that the sex of the dreamer in real life, but is closely related with people's creativity.

American dream magazine published a new study has found that lie prone to sleep more sexual dreams. During sleep, the brain is not completely away from the outside world and the external environment of the stimuli into the possibility of dreams will greatly beyond people's imagination. Lie prone to sleep affects normal oxygen to the brain, brain began to unconscious thought or imagination, risk sexual dreams.

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