Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Ten Characteristics of a Healthy Workplace

Ten Characteristics of a Healthy Workplace A healthy workplace allows employees to have a sense of 1. Meaning in their work, often based on a noble vision the organization is pursuing. 2. Support based on caring and thoughtful relationships with superiors, peers, and subordinates in the organization. 3. Participation in decision making so that input is sought and those closest to decisions help shape the final outcomes. 4. Autonomy to be able to have decisional latitude within the constraints of their job role. 5. Safety, so that appropriate safeguards to health and welfare are in place. 6. Equity, so that appropriate procedures are in place to justly distribute resources and rewards. 7. Empowerment to openly share ideas and fully devote themselves to the work of the organization. 8. Services that provide life support for employees such as health care and retirement benefits, family leave, seminars and training, EAP (Employee Assistance Program), and exercise equipment. 9. Respect for diversity and the individual personhood of each employee. 10. Success in their chosen enterprise allowing for the stability and progression of the organization and its employees.

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