Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

Ten kinds of abnormal psychology cause mental illness easily

In life,every one has the time having  abnormal psychology.However,if we can correct it on time,it is normal phenomenon.While it isnt,it will cause Mental illness.Because of this,we should be care of abnormal psychology which cause mental illness.So,lets study it more together.


It last very short without changes of sleep or emotion.And it can be clear by relax and entertainment.

  1. Anxiety

Facts can make normal anxiety.

  1. Similar phenomenon of hysteria

It is seem by women and children mostly,liking women beat children heavily.

  1. Force

Some people think over and over again conscientiously in order not to offend someone,repeat inspection door in locked,and so on and so forth sometimes,which is OK for life.


Steading on high but very safe place have triggers.Sometimes we even want to jump, the idea is normal phenomenon.

  1. Hypochondriac phenomenon
  2. Paranoia and self care
  3. Mistaking


Abnormal psychology should correct in a timely manner.Don't let it continue to develop  in order to avoid mental illness. In daily life, we must learn to decompress for oneself, do not have too much pressure.

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