Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

The consequences of child abuse and neglect

The consequences of child abuse and neglect Children’s normal emotional reactions are undermined by maltreatment, leading to an atypical organisation of emotions and their expression. There is increased risk of insecure or disorganised attachment relationships with caregivers, and a significant effect on social and emotional development and competence. Childhood maltreatment is a significant risk factor for later social, emotional and behavioural problems. Maltreated children: • are more often avoided or rejected by peers • show more under-controlled and aggressive behaviour • have difficulty interpreting and responding to emotions in others • are delayed in development of internal state language (language about feelings) • are more vigilant and distracted by aggressive stimuli • are more likely to attribute hostile intent to actions or events that are ambiguous or neutral • show greater arousal and anxiety in response to aggression between adults • have problems organising, regulating and responding to emotional experience (Rogosch, Cicchetti & Aber, 1995). Relationship problems in the family are generalised to other interactions and circumstances. There is a cumulative negative effect on competence, and with increasing age children become more aware of their deficiencies, particularly

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