Mental health articles

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The Dangers of Tobacco Use

Why tobacco use is dangerous The Dangers of Tobacco Use 

Tobacco is an important cause of early death. Despite the enormous health damage, tobacco companies are aggressively marketing cigarettes, especially in developing countries. Women and youths are especially targeted; it is no surprise that, in many societies, the use of tobacco is rising the fastest in these groups.

The Dangers of Tobacco Use The commonest diseases associated with tobacco use are:

• cancers of the breathing passages and lungs;

• heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure;

• serious lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

The Dangers of Tobacco Use Smoking tobacco harms others who do not smoke, in these ways:

• The unborn child can be harmed when a mother smokes during pregnancy. The child may be born too early or too small.

• Passive smoking, when a non-smoker inhales the smoke created by a smoker, can cause the same diseases as actual smoking.

• Children who live in families where smoking occurs have a higher risk of suffering breathing diseases such as asthma.


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