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The Development of International Health Promotion Movements

The international health promotion movement is a global campaign to promote healthy development under the leadership of the WHO, and this movement has gained the response of most countries of the world, it also had a profound impact on the international public sports.

In 1946, WHO made it clear that: “Health is the most basichuman right, regardless of people’s race, religion, and political, economic and social status”. WHO convened the first International Health Promotion Conference inOttawa,Canada, 1986, and issued the “Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion”. It introduced anew concept of health promotion, calling people to choose healthy behaviors and lifestyles. The second conference of the International Health Promotion was convenedinAdelaide,Australiain 1988, urged governments to coordinate economic, social and health policies, and promoted health promotion campaigns.

The third conference of the International Health Promotion was convened inSweden1991 which emphasized onhealth and physical environment. In 1997, the Fourth conference was held in Jakarta,Indonesia which stressed the countries should insist on health promotion as the core of health, and the conference adopted the “Jakarta Declaration on Health Promotion”,which determined the priorities status of health promotion in the 21 century. With the growing emphasis on health, health promotion campaigns have flourished in the last ten years.

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