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The greater the hip, the higher the intelligence

USA psychologist Gao Trners found, The greater the hip, the higher theintelligence. Outstanding figures of those clever matchless is "wide hips family".He pointed out that great people such as Cleopatra, Napoleon, Joan of arc, American George Washington are

"wide hips family". USA former president John Kennedy choose a custom-made clothes to cover too large hips.

The study period of five years found, in 276 adult intelligence tests, There are 152 large buttocks. These "wide hips family" scored an average of 137 points. 31 higher than what narrow hips family scored 106 points. Research psychologists Gao Trners show that the greater the hip, the higher the intelligence.

Large buttocks, women may not have slender beauty sexy. Gao Trners saidthat If he must make a choice, he would rather choose the mind than she looks. He think "wide hips and" should not be broad hips, and feel ashamed of one's ungainly appearance, Instead we should feel happy for this body.

 The greater the hip, the longer the lives. in addition to the more high IQ, it also have advantage In the health and life. Compared with a group of hip minimum, hip circumference maximum group less 87% mortality rate, the risk of coronary artery disease and less 86% and the risk of cardiovascular disease and less 46%.

Although previous research shows, Hip young men and women face a higher risk of diabetes, hypertension and gallbladder disease. Results were published in the "Journal of" transition of obesity from the Institute of Preventive Medicinefound that larger hip circumference does not represent a healthy heart for man.

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