Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

The Health Action Plan

The Health Action Plan (HAP) is the Government’s new initiative (arising
from ‘Valuing People’) that aims to ensure that all people with intellectual
disabilities have their health needs met. It includes details of:
 The need for health interventions
 Oral health and dental care
 Fitness and mobility
 Vision and hearing
 Emotional needs
 Details of medication taken and side effects
 Records of any screening tests
Each person will have a health facilitator,who will co-ordinate theHAP.
Some people with intellectual disabilities who have mental health
problems will fall under the umbrella of the Care Programme Approach
(CPA). Part of the CPA addresses the person’s health needs. You can help
with this if appropriate and ensure that the focus is on the general health
needs (not just the mental health) of the person you care for. The intention
is that the CPA will be the HAP for this group of people, and their CPA
care co-ordinator will also be their health facilitator.

Services for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems
The following provide services for people with intellectual disabilities and
mental health problems:
 Primary Care Services
 Community Mental Health Teams
 Crisis Resolution/Home Treatment Teams
 Assertive Outreach Teams

 Community Learning Disabilities Teams
 Specialist Mental Health in Learning Disabilities Services

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