Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

The Health Sector’s Response

The Health Sector’s Response
The health sector has so far responded weakly to the
challenge with little involvement in the debate or interventions
aimed at combating CSEC and rehabilitating
its victims. There are numerous fields of action, for example:
• The existing data base should be improved
by epidemiological and qualitative investigation.
Evidence-based results should then be used to develop
public health interventions.
• Access to health care services must be adapted to
suit the particular life situation of victims. This may
include: treatment of injuries, diagnosis and treatment
of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS
testing, antiretroviral treatment,  emergency contraception
(“morning-after pill”), post abortion care
and safe abortions, psycho-social and trauma counseling,
and the development of standardized examination
protocols incorporating reference systems
from child and youth protection organizations. To tackle these challenges, inter-sectoral co-operation
needs to be strengthened and personnel in the health
sector needs to receive respective training.

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