Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

the reason for substance abuse

the reason for substance abuse A lot of people will use coffee, alcohol or tobacco to experience pleasure,
or to help with unpleasant emotional or physical feelings. Sometimes
people use substances such as illegal drugs or alcohol in such amounts that
they interfere with their physical and/or mental well-being and can contribute
to the development of mental health problems. Substance misuse is
not common in people with intellectual disabilities.When it does occur the
substance is likely to be alcohol and it is likely to be someone with mild
intellectual disabilities.
Reasons for substance abuse
Understanding why the individual is using the illegal drugs or alcohol is
important in helping the person to change their lives. Some possible
reasons are listed below:
 To change the mood and feel happier if the person is feeling low
 To reduce anxiety

To increase confidence in social situations
 Because of peer pressure
 Because of low self-esteem
 To avoid unpleasant life problems
 For attention as a form of rebellion
 To reduce pain (emotional and physical)
 To help with sleep

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