Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

The signs and symptoms of dementia

The signs and symptoms of dementia EARLIER STAGES
 Loss of memory, especially short-term
 Loss of interest in activities
 Reduction in communication skills
 Difficulty in using the right words
 Difficulty in understanding others
 Difficulty in concentrating
 Gradual loss of self-help skills
 Wandering around aimlessly, not knowing where they are
 Depression and anxiety
 May start to have seizures or an increase if they already have
 Personality changes
 Mood changes
 Increased seizures
 Loss of mobility
 Total loss of self-help skills
 Problems with swallowing
 Physical health problems
Dementia affects everyone differently and people will show different signs
and symptoms. It is sometimes difficult to pick up on the early stages of
dementia in people with intellectual disabilities. This could be because
carers help them by implementing routines and supporting them with
day-to-day life, so the initial signs of forgetfulness and confusion may not
be so evident.

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