Mental health articles
OF mental health care and mentally ill
As a general rule, medication should only be given under supervision, monitoring and regular review. This is to ensure that the efficacy of the medication is maximised
and the side effects managed. The individual’s mental state should also be monitored so that the dosage of the medication can be adjusted accordingly. There is a need
to work in partnership with the service user in respect of medication education so that the service user’s views and belief systems are taken into account and that the treatment is managed appropriately and sensitively. Therapeutic intervention in the form of medication education empowers the user to actively participate and take control of their own treatment, leading to a better treatment outcome.
It is poor practice to continually prescribe any medication without regular monitoring and review. Some medications may have a toxic effect when the person does
not tolerate the chemical or dosage given; this could have a negative or damaging effect on the person’s well-being. Some medication requires regular blood tests to ensure that the therapeutic level is maintained. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence provides guidelines on the use of some of the medication and also Healy has written an excellent textbook regarding the medications used in mental health practice.
Staff or carers involved in the administration of medication should inform the user of the side effects of the medication and how they may be managed. There
are medications that may be given to counteract the side effects. Gaining the user’s consent in accepting the medication is essential before the treatment begins, except in cases where the treatment is subject to Part IV of the Mental Health Act 1983. Treatment under the Mental Health Act is discussed in Chapter Six of this
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