Mental health articles

OF mental health care and mentally ill

The ways in which men can abuse women By mocking, abusing and humiliating For example, using foul language or verbally abusing the woman’s relatives and friends. By threatening For example, threats of killing or harming the woman, but also threats of harming himself (e.g. through suicide) if the woman leaves. By forcing her to have sex Some people think that because a woman is married she must allow her husband to have sex whenever he wants. This is not true. By controlling resources in the home For example, denying the woman money, health care or the opportunity to work. By forcing her to isolate herself For example, denying the woman the chance to meet her friends or to leave the house. By physical violence This covers any physical act that hurts the woman, from slapping to hitting and kicking her. In more serious cases, the man may use a weapon or even try to kill the woman.

The ways in which men can abuse women

By mocking, abusing and humiliating For example, using foul language or verbally abusing the woman’s relatives and friends.

By threatening

For example, threats of killing or harming the woman, but also threats of harming himself (e.g. through suicide) if the woman leaves.

By forcing her to have sex

Some people think that because a woman is married she must allow her husband to have sex whenever he wants. This is not true.

By controlling resources in the home For example, denying the woman money, health care or the opportunity to


By forcing her to isolate herself For example, denying the woman the chance to meet her friends or to leave the house.

By physical violence

This covers any physical act that hurts the woman, from slapping to hitting and kicking her. In more serious cases, the man may use a weapon or even try to kill the woman.


From Mental health articles, post The ways in which men can abuse women By mocking, abusing and humiliating For example, using foul language or verbally abusing the woman’s relatives and friends. By threatening For example, threats of killing or harming the woman, but also threats of harming himself (e.g. through suicide) if the woman leaves. By forcing her to have sex Some people think that because a woman is married she must allow her husband to have sex whenever he wants. This is not true. By controlling resources in the home For example, denying the woman money, health care or the opportunity to work. By forcing her to isolate herself For example, denying the woman the chance to meet her friends or to leave the house. By physical violence This covers any physical act that hurts the woman, from slapping to hitting and kicking her. In more serious cases, the man may use a weapon or even try to kill the woman.

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