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The women is more sexy, who loves laugh, love cry

very one can feel the truth that the smile is the basic way of expressing friendly and happy. But you even a lot of people may don't know one thing that besides of expressing feeling, the smile is the best approach of conquering men.It seems to the majority of man the women is more sexy, who loves laugh, love cry.

As an adult, There is a big difference between the man and the woman of laugher. The frequency of woman laugh is 1000Hz, give a person the feeling of sweet, especially the man. The frequency of man laugh is only 43, the sound of their laughter is very low, so makes them more sensitive to the laughter of the women. In the experiment, the man will think her interest in me, when the woman laughed.

The survey also showed the types of man liking. On the one hand, 80% of man like outgoing personality, laughter ringing of the woman. Because laughter can make women look more beautiful, pure, fascinating, also can let the man had more enthusiasm to create a comfortable atmosphere to communicate. On the other hand, 15% of the man like introverted women, women with a shy smile.


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