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OF mental health care and mentally ill

Theoretical models of human behavior of psychiatric and mental health nursing

The foundation of psychiatric and mental health nursing is based on theoretical

models of human behavior. These models provide a basis for understanding a patient and diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric conditions. Models of human behavior are used collectively in caring for a patient rather than basing care on a particular model. The psychiatric nurse can apply the appropriate model to help meet the patient’s needs.

  • Medical Model: Abnormal behavior is caused by an underlying disease that affects neurochemicals in addition to socio-environmental factors. Treatment of the abnormal behavior focuses on addressing the underlying disease.
  • Nursing Model: A holistic approach is used to care for the person. The nurse develops a therapeutic relationship with the person that focuses on the person’s biopsychosocial needs. Nursing interventions are determined by the person’s reaction to the therapeutic relationship with the nurse.
  • Interpersonal Model: A person’s behavior is governed by the desire to be satisfied and to avoid anxiety. The nurse‘s therapeutic relationship with the patient develops trust that is used to satisfy the patient’s needs.
  • Social Model: Abnormal behavior is defined by the patient’s sociocultural environment. A behavior may be acceptable in one society and considered abnormal in another society.
  • Behavioral Model: Behavior is learned through rewards for positive behavior and punishment to prevent negative behaviors. Mental illness is considered a behavior.
  • Existential Model: A person should be in contact with their emotions and needs based on current experience. A person focused on past experiences may become self-alienated and is likely to display abnormal behavior.
  • Communication Model: The meaning of behavior is dependent on successful communication. Abnormal behavior occurs when communication is clouded. Normal behavior occurs when communication is clear. Degrees in clarity in communication explain degrees of abnormal behavior.
  • Psychoanalytic Model: Freud proposed five stages of psychosexual childhood development (oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital). Disruption in psychosexual childhood development results in deviated behavior as an adult.
  • Humanistic Model: Maslow’s Hierarchy identifies six levels of need. A person needs to meet lower level needs before striving for higher level needs.
  • Self-actualization: Acceptance of facts, problem solving, morality, creativity
  • Esteem: Confidence, self-esteem, respects for others and respected by others, achievement
  • Love/Belonging: Sexual intimacy, friendship, family
  • Safety: Health, security, morality
  • Physiologic: Food, sleep, sex, water, excretion

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